Many suppliers spend much time and money on quotations all for nothing – ideas, drawings and know-how given away. We are out to impress, to win that contract – However there are times where giving your are your intellectual property your giving away. You are out of pocket and expense.
The other advantage is that if you win the contract / quotation on any level – you automatically have a quality terms of trade signed by your client.
Remember, nothing is sold until its paid for – never mind about the saying she will be right ? you only need one deal to create financial problems –
Can I just say something here ? If I walk into a bank and want $5 or $10k what will a bank want off me? Enough paper work, and most people know what happens if you default ? your in trouble with the bank – You don’t leave a hire place without signing with similar terms of trade do you ?
Yet how many contractors / tradies etc commence work and out-laying $1000’s and nothing signed off – because they trust someone they have met for 5 min.
99% of people sign without question and makes you seem more professional
This form also allows credit checks and a default trail for long contacts in case of customer falls into financial difficulty – you will know if you registrar your client.
You also have all the other benefits of your complete terms of trade to exercise your rights –